About the B Corp Climate Collective
The B Corp Climate Collective is a group of Certified B Corporations working together to take action on the climate emergency. We recognize the unique and powerful role that we play as purpose-driven businesses to reverse climate change. We are working to identify concrete steps to accelerate climate mitigation and to work collectively, as individual companies, and through cross-sector collaboration and public advocacy.
Our Mission
We demonstrate the collective power of our businesses to transform commerce and to create an inclusive society and environmental regeneration. We commit to taking bold steps towards climate resiliency by using advocacy, cross-sector collaboration, corporate action, and the capital markets to stop emissions and drawdown carbon and improve global well-being.
We Believe in Interdependence
A Planet in Crisis
We are living in unprecedented times. Accelerating climate change and ecological breakdown pose an overwhelming challenge to all life on Earth. The scientific community has agreed that a 1.5°C increase in average global temperature is the ‘safe’ limit for our planet and its inhabitants; at the current trajectory, it is estimated we will reach this ‘safe limit’ as early as 2030. Based on science and our lived experience, it is obvious to us that there is a climate and ecological emergency, an existential threat to which we much respond immediately.
Positive-Impact Business Leadership is Imperative
It is also clear to us that the emergency is being driven by an economic system that rewards the single-minded pursuit of profit while untenably externalizing environmental and social costs. This results in decisions that are made that prioritize short term financial returns often at the expense of people, communities and the natural world on which all life depends. We believe it is imperative for business to demonstrate leadership in eliminating emissions and drawing down carbon beyond those few businesses and business coalitions that already are. In addition, we believe it is imperative to use the power of our collective voice to advocate for policy changes necessary to align incentives that will drive meaningful climate action as well as to address the primary root cause of this systemic failure: the failed doctrine and culture of shareholder primacy.
As B Corps, We Declare Interdependence
The B Corporation movement is about leadership. All B Corporations sign a Declaration of Interdependence stating the belief "That all business ought to be conducted as if people and place mattered. . . . and thus we are responsible for each other and future generations." All B Corporations make a legal commitment to conduct business with consideration for the environment and all stakeholders, not just shareholders. It's time for us to act boldly and urgently. Join us!
Learn more about Certified B Corporations & the Declaration of Interdependence.
of the B Corp Climate Collective
In February 2019, leaders from some of the world’s most climate-progressive companies gathered in New Mexico for a B Leadership Summit to shape a short- and long-term collective action plan to address the threats of climate change.
In attendance at this summit were more than 35 North American Certified B Corporations that have demonstrated leadership in environmental action and progress. This group drafted a vision statement, created an initial six-month action plan and a 10-year vision, and formed five Action Groups to work on key issues. Each Action Groups developed plans to drive wider stakeholder engagement and to further their work.
Timeline of the B Corp Climate Response