Climate Justice Resources
A Just Climate Platform, vision for an inclusive and just national climate agenda from A Just Climate
Business Fights Poverty: Climate Justice, an international program for business learning and connection.
On Injustice. Mustafa Santiago Ali talks with Naomi Hollard of Sunrise Movement about the power of cross-class and multiracial movements and the mandate for environmental justice.
“Movements for Climate Justice,” by Brian Tokar, 2013, Handbook of the Climate Movement, M. Doetz, ed..
“Declaration on Climate Justice” by the Mary Robinson Foundation
Gender, race, and perceived risk: The 'white male' effect by Melissa L. Finucane, Paul Slovic, Decision Research , 1201 Oak Street, Eugene, OR, 97401, USA,C.K. Mertz,James Flynn &Theresa A. Satterfield
Racial Justice
“I’m a black climate expert. Racism derails our efforts to save the planet,” by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Washington Post, June 3, 2020
Why Every Environmentalist Should be Anti-Racist, by Leah Thomas, Vogue, June 8, 2020
“How to Make Sure Racial Justice is Part of Climate Activism” by Natasha Pinon
“The blackest city in the US is facing an environmental justice nightmare,” The Guardian, January 9, 2020
“Climate Change Ain’t the First Existential Threat” by Mary Annaïse Heglar (people of color know about building movements, about courage, about survival)
Melissa Bradley:
See additional articles from a B Lab employee “brown bag” on environmental racism (here)
Seja Antirracista:
Indigenous Voices
UN statement on the impact of climate change on Indigenous Peoples
The Amazon is on fire - Indigenous Rights could help put it out . Gives a good view of the intersection of indigenous rights and climate crisis, from Canadian journalist Naomi Klein
COP25 Recap from Indigenous Climate Action group
Gender & Climate
How Empowering Women and Girls Can Help Stop Global Warming, TED talk by Katharine Wilkinson, Project Drawdown (13 mins)
Introduction to Gender & Climate, UNFCCC
Women, girls, and non-binary leaders are demonstrating the kind of leadership our world so badly needs by Katharine Wilkinson, Project Drawdown
Youth Voices
Greta Thunberg’s UNCOP25 remarks
Video interview of Naomi Klein and Greta Thunberg, with Xiye Bastida and other youth (starts around 22:00 with Greta/Naomi at 42:00)
Climate Adaptation & Resilience
GAO-20-127, Climate Resilience: A Strategic Investment Approach for High-Priority Projects Could Help Target Federal Resources - (start with the highlights page if you are limited for time) Even though the US Government is not a Certified B Corp priority, this identifies gaps in climate resilience for a major institution and benefits to filling them.
Fourth National Climate Assessment You can do word searches to find direct connections between climate resilience and inequality, poverty, environment, communities and jobs.
Linking Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: A Review with Evidence from the Land-Use Sectors (2018) This connects knowledge about greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation using one sector as an example.